Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Have any of you slowed down this holiday season and just thought about the real meaning of this holiday? Have you shared any of your thoughts with your kids? I suggested that you do these things in my last post and I really hope that you did!

Well, tomorrow is Christmas Eve and some families will have a celebration and others will celebrate on Christmas Day. My husband's family and my family both live nearby so we will have things going on both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. However, even amid the busyness we all take time to slow down. Tomorrow evening some of our extended family will sit down and listen to the Christmas story. At each point of the story one of the children will take a piece of the nativity scene and place it in the 'barn.' For instance when the shepherds are mentioned one of the children will get to place the shepherds as part of the scene. Of course, Mary & Joseph, baby Jesus, the animals and the wisemen will all be placed there as well. I think this is a great way to have the children involved in the reading of the story.

Today I wanted to share something I heard in a sermon on Sunday. The pastor said something that I had not thought of before and it was this: Did you ever think about why there were wisemen and shepherds invited to see Jesus? The shepherds were considered pretty low on the social scale and wisemen were way above them-this just shows that Jesus came to save all types of people. He came to save those who are poor, those who are rich and those in between. The message of Christmas is that Jesus came for ALL the world-not just a certain type of person. Make sure you tell your children that Jesus came to save them and that they should go out and share this news with the people that they know!

Blessings to my readers and may you all have a Merry CHRISTmas and a Happy New Year. Remember: keep Jesus at the center of your festivities-after all He truly is the reason for the season:)

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